in the media
Find Broomfield UMC in the media. Below are some recent media publications in which Broomfield UMC and our staff have been featured.
December 4, 2024: "Why a Wealthy Community Sees So Many People in Need" - from Yellowscene Magazine including an interview with of our very own Nathan Heimer, Director of Connectional Ministries.
From Broomfield UMC: Making An Impact Beyond Our Walls
January 2024 Our Broomfield "Favorite Preschool Runner-Up" - Apple Tree Christian Preschool and Kindergarten was once again voted as a Favorite Preschool runner-up in the January 2024 edition of this publication (page 34). Thank you to all who voted!
Raised in the Rockies Summer Camps 2023: "Let Your Child Create this Summer" - features Sara Godwin, Director of Apple Tree and Summer Camps (page20)
January 2023 Our Broomfield "Favorite Preschool Runner-up" - Apple Tree Christian Preschool and Kindergarten was voted Favorite Preschool Runner-up in the January 2023 Our Broomfield publication. Thank you to all who voted!
2022 Raised in the Rockies: School Choice - "What to Look for in a Preschool"
features Sara Godwin, Director Apple Tree (page 59)
2022 Raised in the Rockies: Back to School - "Religious Schools Offer Impressive Educational Opportunities for Students of All Faiths"
features Sara Godwin, Director Apple Tree
UM News - "Moving ministries from idea to fruition"
features Mike Orr, Director of Tapestry
(Tapestry shares the love of God with those interested in faith, but not very interested in Sunday morning worship with a church. The Tapestry team creates online spaces and experiences for spiritually curious people to grow and thrive by weaving together our stories of faith, doubt, joy, and pain.)
Broomfield Leader - "Broomfield churches team up for service day on Sept. 24"
features Nathan Heimer, Director of Connectional Ministries and our 2022 serve weekend event
Broomfield Leader - "Service Day in Broomfield unites churches with far reaching effects"
features an account of our serve weekend service day
Broomfield Leader - "Broomfield United Methodist preaches inclusionary message"
features Pastor Don Bird, Lead Pastor, and two of our community members.